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Comments and Suggestions

Posted: Sat Dec 04, 2021 11:08 pm
by UrbanCyborg
Hi. Long-time MemoryMoog user here (Bob Moog did the LAMM update on one of my units). I've been running into some problems in less-than-obvious areas, and thought I'd be the squeaky wheel, so maybe some of this gets addressed. I'll number the items to keep them distinct.

1) There should be some way to toggle the pots between actual measure and the 0-100 range the physical unit used. I've been trying to set up some of my old written-down working presets on the MemoryMode, and it's been giving me fits, especially since some of the software pots are apparently non-linearly calibrated (I can do the math, but it's a pain, I'm not sure from the sound it's correct, and, say, isn't that what computers are for?)

2) Continuation of (1): for units with the LAMM update, the pots range between 0-127, as Linntronics expanded the resolution of the pot scanning. I know you modeled a reasonably stock MemoryMoog Pro and not a LAMM, but I think it would be worth your while to provide the option to choose which, probably in the settings, since the extra work would be minimal, and those are the most sought-after units.

3) Model the tape functionality, at least to the extent of allowing us to load from already saved tapes. I've got several versions of both factory preset loads, as well as a dozen or so of my own working saves that I don't have access to. Come to think of it, having the ability to go both ways would still be really nice for those of us with actual units still. If you could do this item (not too hard; I wrote a DOS app in assembler back in 1986 that transferred to and from a computer, and am casually working on a Windows update as a sort of hobby) it would be nice if it could also do on-the-fly LAMM conversion for the pot values.

4) Correct the many places in the documentation where Macintosh and Windows control names are reversed ;). I think I've spotted this in other CA documentation, as well, particularly concerning things like Option, Command, Control (Ctrl), and Alt buttons.

5) Not that I'm very serious about this one, but seeing as you've supplied a "detuner" control, why not a switch to make the noise generator act like the real one, and do the annoying beat that just about made the feature useless on the real unit (they used a shift buffer arrangement with way-too-short a cycle time).

6) and last, there are some errors, or perhaps, misleading statements at places in the manual. One example is in the Docs for the Voice Modulation section. The text seems to imply that the Invert button only inverts Osc 3 and the effect of Filter Contour when the Cont Osc 3 Amt button is pressed, when in fact, the invert button inverts both of those controls even when the Filter Envelope isn't modulating the amount of Osc 3 going to voice modulation.

I realize it may seem as though I'm cavilling a lot, but I really think this is a killer software implementation of the real thing. It's just that, well...squeak...squeak...squeak.... ;)