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Rhythm Divider

Posted: Wed Dec 30, 2020 7:03 am
by Doc Joe
I've been playing with the Weevil Rythm Divider.

After a lot of experimation - the instructions are a little tricky to wrap one's head around - it has become one of my favorite modules for generative patches. Absolutely wonderful patterns that can deliver that magical middle ground between random and structure.

I'm amazed at the beautiful percussive patches I get from it, but putting the rhythm divider on a very slow clock and adding glacial glides to oscillators results in luxurious sound spaces.

No... I've not been asked to write this little review. I got the divider as part of the larger bundle. It was a very welcome surprise when I finally messed with it, and just keeps surprising me.

Re: Rhythm Divider

Posted: Sun Jan 24, 2021 12:28 pm
by flucatcher
Hey, didn't see this until now. Thanks, this makes me very happy!

Would be fun to see a couple of your patches (either a patch or a video), especially for the ambient / sound space example, thats a use-case I never thought of


Re: Rhythm Divider

Posted: Mon Jun 28, 2021 11:00 pm
by Doc Joe
Ha. I also missed your reply somehow.

I will upload up my "weevil drummer" kit. It is insane. Half the time it's just... omg, my ears hurt... the other half it's... i want to marry this beat.

In addition, I have been experimenting with using the divider to drive (very slowly) a hardware sequencer (NDLR) that then drives four sythns in VM. Plus I throw in percusion. So the divider is effectively driving random selection of non-random patterns.

Yes, it's overkill. But what's the point of having an infinite eurorack (VM2) if you don't go a little craycray.

Re: Rhythm Divider

Posted: Mon Jun 28, 2021 11:25 pm
by Doc Joe
Hi Weevil!

I uploaded the drum machine patch to the patch exchange forum: viewtopic.php?f=12&t=1713

It's basic, but fun.

Doc Joe.